Criminal justice system statistics
Measures covering the wider criminal justice system. Includes trends in the use of out of court disposals, defendants prosecuted, offenders convicted, and sentencing decisions in England and Wales.
Crime against households and adults using data from police recorded crime and the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW).
Crime figures from Crime Survey for England and Wales
8.8 million
Value for 2023/24. View time series for crime figures from crime survey for england and wales
Police recorded crime in England and Wales
6.7 million
Value for 2023/24. View time series for police recorded crime in england and wales
Estimated total cost of crime in England and Wales
Value for 2015/16. View measure for estimated total cost of crime in england and wales
Defendants proceeded against
Value for 2023. View time series for defendants proceeded against
The volume and complexity of offending patterns when reporting on all offences for which each individual is prosecuted and sentenced is too great for meaningful commentary throughout the publication of these data. For this reason, unless otherwise stated, each offender is reported only against the most severe sentence or order given for their principal offence (i.e. the principal sentence).
For futher information, please refer to the technical guide which accompanies the linked publication(s).
Offenders sentenced to immediate custody
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to immediate custody
Offenders sentenced to suspended sentence
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to suspended sentence
Offenders sentenced to community sentence
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to community sentence
Offenders sentenced to a fine
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to a fine
Offenders sentenced to compensation order
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to compensation order
Offenders sentenced to other disposal
Value for 2023. View time series for offenders sentenced to other disposal
Average custodial sentence length (months)
Value for 2023. View time series for average custodial sentence length (months)
Proven reoffending rate
Value for Jul - Sep 2022. View time series for proven reoffending rate